Source code for

import json
import logging

from collections import defaultdict
from spade.message import Message
from spade.agent import Agent
from spade.behaviour import PeriodicBehaviour
from spade.template import Template

    PASSENGER_IN_DEST, PASSENGER_LOCATION, chunk_path, request_path, StrategyBehaviour
from .helpers import random_position, distance_in_meters, kmh_to_ms, PathRequestException, \

logger = logging.getLogger("TaxiAgent")


[docs]class TaxiAgent(Agent): def __init__(self, agentjid, password, loop=None): super().__init__(agentjid, password, loop=loop) self.coordinator_id = None self.route_id = None self.__observers = defaultdict(list) self.agent_id = None self.status = TAXI_WAITING self.set("current_pos", None) self.dest = None self.set("path", None) self.chunked_path = None self.set("speed_in_kmh", 2000) self.animation_speed = ONESECOND_IN_MS self.distances = [] self.durations = [] self.port = None self.set("current_passenger", None) self.current_passenger_orig = None self.current_passenger_dest = None self.set("passenger_in_taxi", None) self.num_assignments = 0 self.stopped = False
[docs] def watch_value(self, key, callback): """ Registers an observer callback to be run when a value is changed Args: key (str): the name of the value callback (function): a function to be called when the value changes. It receives two arguments: the old and the new value. """ self.__observers[key].append(callback)
[docs] def add_strategy(self, strategy_class): """ Sets the strategy for the taxi agent. Args: strategy_class (``TaxiStrategyBehaviour``): The class to be used. Must inherit from ``TaxiStrategyBehaviour`` """ template = Template() template.set_metadata("protocol", REQUEST_PROTOCOL) self.add_behaviour(strategy_class(), template)
[docs] def set_id(self, agent_id): """ Sets the agent identifier Args: agent_id (str): The new Agent Id """ self.agent_id = agent_id
[docs] def set_coordinator(self, coordinator_id): """ Sets the coordinator JID address Args: coordinator_id (str): the coordinator jid """ self.coordinator_id = coordinator_id
[docs] def set_route_agent(self, route_id): """ Sets the route agent JID address Args: route_id (str): the route agent jid """ self.route_id = route_id
[docs] async def send(self, msg): if not msg.sender: msg.sender = str(self.jid) logger.debug(f"Adding agent's jid as sender to message: {msg}") aioxmpp_msg = msg.prepare() await self.client.send(aioxmpp_msg) msg.sent = True self.traces.append(msg, category=str(self))
[docs] def is_passenger_in_taxi(self): return self.get("passenger_in_taxi") is not None
[docs] def is_free(self): return self.get("current_passenger") is None
[docs] async def arrived_to_destination(self): """ Informs that the taxi has arrived to its destination. It recomputes the new destination and path if picking up a passenger or drops it and goes to WAITING status again. """ self.set("path", None) self.chunked_path = None if not self.is_passenger_in_taxi(): # self.status == TAXI_MOVING_TO_PASSENGER: try: self.set("passenger_in_taxi", self.get("current_passenger")) await self.move_to(self.current_passenger_dest) except PathRequestException: await self.cancel_passenger() self.status = TAXI_WAITING except AlreadyInDestination: await self.drop_passenger() else: await self.inform_passenger(TAXI_IN_PASSENGER_PLACE) self.status = TAXI_MOVING_TO_DESTINATION"Taxi {} has picked up the passenger {}.".format(self.agent_id, self.get("current_passenger"))) else: # elif self.status == TAXI_MOVING_TO_DESTINATION: await self.drop_passenger()
[docs] async def drop_passenger(self): """ Drops the passenger that the taxi is carring in the current location. """ await self.inform_passenger(PASSENGER_IN_DEST) self.status = TAXI_WAITING logger.debug("Taxi {} has dropped the passenger {} in destination.".format(self.agent_id, self.get( "current_passenger"))) self.set("current_passenger", None) self.set("passenger_in_taxi", None)
[docs] async def move_to(self, dest): """ Moves the taxi to a new destination. Args: dest (list): the coordinates of the new destination (in lon, lat format) Raises: AlreadyInDestination: if the taxi is already in the destination coordinates. """ if self.get("current_pos") == dest: raise AlreadyInDestination counter = 5 path = None distance, duration = 0, 0 while counter > 0 and path is None: logger.debug("Requesting path from {} to {}".format(self.get("current_pos"), dest)) path, distance, duration = await self.request_path(self.get("current_pos"), dest) counter -= 1 if path is None: raise PathRequestException("Error requesting route.") self.set("path", path) try: self.chunked_path = chunk_path(path, self.get("speed_in_kmh")) except Exception as e: logger.error("Exception chunking path {}: {}".format(path, e)) raise PathRequestException self.dest = dest self.distances.append(distance) self.durations.append(duration) behav = self.MovingBehaviour(period=1) self.add_behaviour(behav)
[docs] async def step(self): """ Advances one step in the simulation """ if self.chunked_path: _next = self.chunked_path.pop(0) distance = distance_in_meters(self.get_position(), _next) self.animation_speed = distance / kmh_to_ms(self.get("speed_in_kmh")) * ONESECOND_IN_MS await self.set_position(_next)
[docs] async def inform_passenger(self, status, data=None): """ Sends a message to the current assigned passenger to inform her about a new status. Args: status (int): The new status code data (dict, optional): complementary info about the status """ if data is None: data = {} msg = Message() = self.get("current_passenger") msg.set_metadata("protocol", TRAVEL_PROTOCOL) msg.set_metadata("performative", INFORM_PERFORMATIVE) data["status"] = status msg.body = json.dumps(data) await self.send(msg)
[docs] async def cancel_passenger(self, data=None): """ Sends a message to the current assigned passenger to cancel the assignment. Args: data (dict, optional): Complementary info about the cancellation """ logger.error("Taxi {} could not get a path to passenger {}.".format(self.agent_id, self.get("current_passenger"))) if data is None: data = {} reply = Message() = self.get("current_passenger") reply.set_metadata("protocol", REQUEST_PROTOCOL) reply.set_metadata("performative", CANCEL_PERFORMATIVE) reply.body = json.dumps(data) logger.debug("Taxi {} sent cancel proposal to passenger {}".format(self.agent_id, self.get("current_passenger"))) await self.send(reply)
[docs] async def request_path(self, origin, destination): """ Requests a path between two points (origin and destination) using the RouteAgent service. Args: origin (list): the coordinates of the origin of the requested path destination (list): the coordinates of the end of the requested path Returns: list, float, float: A list of points that represent the path from origin to destination, the distance and the estimated duration Examples: >>> path, distance, duration = await self.request_path(origin=[0,0], destination=[1,1]) >>> print(path) [[0,0], [0,1], [1,1]] >>> print(distance) 2.0 >>> print(duration) 3.24 """ return await request_path(self, origin, destination, self.route_id)
[docs] async def set_position(self, coords=None): """ Sets the position of the taxi. If no position is provided it is located in a random position. Args: coords (list): a list coordinates (longitude and latitude) """ if coords: self.set("current_pos", coords) else: self.set("current_pos", random_position()) logger.debug("Taxi {} position is {}".format(self.agent_id, self.get("current_pos"))) if self.status == TAXI_MOVING_TO_DESTINATION: await self.inform_passenger(PASSENGER_LOCATION, {"location": self.get("current_pos")}) if self.is_in_destination():"Taxi {} has arrived to destination.".format(self.agent_id)) await self.arrived_to_destination()
[docs] def get_position(self): """ Returns the current position of the passenger. Returns: list: the coordinates of the current position of the passenger (lon, lat) """ return self.get("current_pos")
[docs] def set_speed(self, speed_in_kmh): """ Sets the speed of the taxi. Args: speed_in_kmh (float): the speed of the taxi in km per hour """ self.set("speed_in_kmh", speed_in_kmh)
[docs] def is_in_destination(self): """ Checks if the taxi has arrived to its destination. Returns: bool: whether the taxi is at its destination or not """ return self.dest == self.get_position()
[docs] def to_json(self): """ Serializes the main information of a taxi agent to a JSON format. It includes the id of the agent, its current position, the destination coordinates of the agent, the current status, the speed of the taxi (in km/h), the path it is following (if any), the passenger that it has assigned (if any), the number of assignments if has done and the distance that the taxi has traveled. Returns: dict: a JSON doc with the main information of the taxi. Example:: { "id": "cphillips", "position": [ 39.461327, -0.361839 ], "dest": [ 39.460599, -0.335041 ], "status": 24, "speed": 1000, "path": [[0,0], [0,1], [1,0], [1,1], ...], "passenger": "ghiggins@", "assignments": 2, "distance": 3481.34 } """ return { "id": self.agent_id, "position": self.get("current_pos"), "dest": self.dest, "status": self.status, "speed": float("{0:.2f}".format(self.animation_speed)) if self.animation_speed else None, "path": self.get("path"), "passenger": self.get("current_passenger") if self.get("current_passenger") else None, "assignments": self.num_assignments, "distance": "{0:.2f}".format(sum(self.distances)), }
[docs] class MovingBehaviour(PeriodicBehaviour): """ This is the internal behaviour that manages the movement of the taxi. It is triggered when the taxi has a new destination and the periodic tick is recomputed at every step to show a fine animation. This moving behaviour includes to update the taxi coordinates as it moves along the path at the specified speed. """
[docs] async def run(self): await self.agent.step() self.period = self.agent.animation_speed / ONESECOND_IN_MS if self.agent.is_in_destination(): self.agent.remove_behaviour(self)
[docs]class TaxiStrategyBehaviour(StrategyBehaviour): """ Class from which to inherit to create a taxi strategy. You must overload the ```run`` coroutine Helper functions: * ``pick_up_passenger`` * ``send_proposal`` * ``cancel_proposal`` """
[docs] async def on_start(self): self.logger = logging.getLogger("TaxiStrategy") self.logger.debug("Strategy {} started in taxi {}".format(type(self).__name__,
[docs] async def pick_up_passenger(self, passenger_id, origin, dest): """ Starts a TRAVEL_PROTOCOL to pick up a passenger and get him to his destination. It automatically launches all the travelling process until the passenger is delivered. This travelling process includes to update the taxi coordinates as it moves along the path at the specified speed. Args: passenger_id (str): the id of the passenger origin (list): the coordinates of the current location of the passenger dest (list): the coordinates of the target destination of the passenger """ logger.debug("Taxi {} on route to passenger {}".format(, passenger_id)) reply = Message() = passenger_id reply.set_metadata("performative", INFORM_PERFORMATIVE) reply.set_metadata("protocol", TRAVEL_PROTOCOL) content = { "status": TAXI_MOVING_TO_PASSENGER } reply.body = json.dumps(content) self.set("current_passenger", passenger_id) self.agent.current_passenger_orig = origin self.agent.current_passenger_dest = dest await self.send(reply) self.agent.num_assignments += 1 try: await self.agent.move_to(self.agent.current_passenger_orig) except AlreadyInDestination: await self.agent.arrived_to_destination()
[docs] async def send_proposal(self, passenger_id, content=None): """ Send a ``spade.message.Message`` with a proposal to a passenger to pick up him. If the content is empty the proposal is sent without content. Args: passenger_id (str): the id of the passenger content (dict, optional): the optional content of the message """ if content is None: content = {} logger.debug("Taxi {} sent proposal to passenger {}".format(, passenger_id)) reply = Message() = passenger_id reply.set_metadata("protocol", REQUEST_PROTOCOL) reply.set_metadata("performative", PROPOSE_PERFORMATIVE) reply.body = json.dumps(content) await self.send(reply)
[docs] async def cancel_proposal(self, passenger_id, content=None): """ Send a ``spade.message.Message`` to cancel a proposal. If the content is empty the proposal is sent without content. Args: passenger_id (str): the id of the passenger content (dict, optional): the optional content of the message """ if content is None: content = {} logger.debug("Taxi {} sent cancel proposal to passenger {}".format(, passenger_id)) reply = Message() = passenger_id reply.set_metadata("protocol", REQUEST_PROTOCOL) reply.set_metadata("performative", CANCEL_PERFORMATIVE) reply.body = json.dumps(content) await self.send(reply)
[docs] async def run(self): raise NotImplementedError