Source code for taxi_simulator.scenario

import json
import logging

import faker

from .coordinator import CoordinatorAgent
from .passenger import PassengerAgent
from .taxi import TaxiAgent

logger = logging.getLogger()

faker_factory = faker.Factory.create()

[docs]class Scenario(object): """ A scenario object reads a file with a JSON representation of a scenario and is used to create the participant agents. """ def __init__(self, filename): """ The Scenario constructor reads the JSON file and creates the defined agents found in that file. Args: filename (str): the name of the scenario file """ self.taxis = [] self.passengers = [] self.scenario = None with open(filename, 'r') as f:"Reading scenario {}".format(filename)) self.scenario = json.load(f)
[docs] def load(self, coordinator: CoordinatorAgent):"Loading scenario...") for taxi in self.scenario["taxis"]: password = taxi["password"] if "password" in taxi else faker_factory.password() speed = taxi["speed"] if "speed" in taxi else None coordinator.create_agent(TaxiAgent, taxi["name"], password, taxi["position"], speed=speed) for passenger in self.scenario["passengers"]: password = passenger["password"] if "password" in passenger else faker_factory.password() coordinator.create_agent(PassengerAgent, passenger["name"], password, passenger["position"], target=passenger["dest"])