taxi_simulator package


taxi_simulator.cli module

Console script for taxi_simulator.

taxi_simulator.coordinator module

class taxi_simulator.coordinator.CoordinatorAgent(agentjid, password, http_port, ip_address)[source]

Bases: spade.agent.Agent

Coordinator agent that manages the requests between taxis and passengers


Adds a new PassengerAgent to the store.

Parameters:agent (PassengerAgent) – the instance of the PassengerAgent to be added

Injects the strategy by instantiating the strategy_class. Since the strategy_class inherits from spade.Behaviour.Behaviour, the new strategy is added as a behaviour to the agent.

Parameters:strategy_class (class) – the class to be instantiated.

Adds a new TaxiAgent to the store.

Parameters:agent (TaxiAgent) – the instance of the TaxiAgent to be added
async_create_agent(cls, name, password, position, target, speed)[source]

Coroutine to create an agent.

  • cls (class) – class of the agent (TaxiAgent or PassengerAgent)
  • name (str) – name of the agent
  • password (str) – password of the agent
  • position (list) – initial coordinates of the agent
  • target (list, optional) – destination coordinates of the agent
  • speed (float, optional) – speed of the vehicle

Web controller that resets the simulator to a clean state.

Returns:no template is returned since this is an AJAX controller, a dict with status=done
Return type:dict

Resets the set of taxis and passengers. Resets the simulation clock.


Removes from the taxi and passenger sets every agent that is stopped.

create_agent(cls, name, password, position, target=None, speed=None)[source]

Create an agent of type cls (TaxiAgent or PassengerAgent).

  • cls (class) – class of the agent (TaxiAgent or PassengerAgent)
  • name (str) – name of the agent
  • password (str) – password of the agent
  • position (list) – initial coordinates of the agent
  • target (list, optional) – destination coordinates of the agent
  • speed (float, optional) – speed of the vehicle
create_agents_batch(cls, number: int)[source]

Creates a batch of agents.

  • cls (class) – class of the agent to create
  • number (int) – size of the batch

Web controller that returns an Excel file with the simulation results.

Returns:a Response of type “attachment” with the file content.
Return type:Response

Web controller that returns a JSON file with the simulation results.

Returns:a Response of type “attachment” with the file content.
Return type:Response

Web controller that returns a dict with the entities of the simulator and their statuses.

Example of the entities returned data:

    "passengers": [
            "status": 24,
            "taxi": "taxi2@",
            "dest": [ 39.463356, -0.376463 ],
            "waiting": 3.25,
            "position": [ 39.460568, -0.352529 ],
            "id": "michaelstewart"
    "taxis": [
            "status": 11,
            "passenger": "michaelstewart@",
            "assignments": 1,
            "path": [
                     [ 39.478328, -0.406712 ],
                     [ 39.478317, -0.406814 ],
                     [ 39.460568, -0.352529 ]
            "dest": [ 39.460568, -0.352529 ],
            "position": [ 39.468131, -0.39685 ],
            "speed": 327.58,
            "id": "taxi2",
            "distance": "6754.60"
    "stats": {
        "totaltime": "-1.00",
        "waiting": "3.25",
        "finished": False,
        "is_running": True
    "tree": {
        "name": "Agents",
        "children": [
                "count": "1",
                "name": "Taxis",
                "children": [ { "status": 11, "name": " taxi2", "icon": "fa-taxi" } ]
                "count": "1",
                "name": "Passengers",
                "children": [ { "status": 24, "name": " michaelstewart", "icon": "fa-user" } ]
    "authenticated": False
Returns:no template is returned since this is an AJAX controller, a dict with the list of taxis, the list of passengers, the tree view to be showed in the sidebar and the stats of the simulation.
Return type:dict

Generates the tree view in JSON format to be showed in the sidebar.

Returns:a dict with all the agents in the simulator, with their name, status and icon.
Return type:dict

Creates a dataframe with the simulation stats of the passengers The dataframe includes for each passenger its name, waiting time, total time and status.

Returns:the dataframe with the passengers stats.
Return type:pandas.DataFrame

Returns the elapsed simulation time to the current time. If the simulation is not started it returns 0.

Returns:the whole simulation time.
Return type:float

Generates the stats of the simulation in JSON format.


    "totaltime": "12.25",
    "waiting": "3.25",
    "finished": False,
    "is_running": True
Returns:a dict with the total time, waiting time, is_running and finished values
Return type:dict

Collects simulation stats and returns 3 dataframes with the information: A general dataframe with the average information, a dataframe with the taxi’s information and a dataframe with the passenger’s information. :returns: avg df, taxi df and passenger df :rtype: pandas.Dataframe, pandas.Dataframe, pandas.Dataframe


Creates a dataframe with the simulation stats of the taxis The dataframe includes for each taxi its name, assignments, traveled distance and status.

Returns:the dataframe with the taxis stats.
Return type:pandas.DataFrame

Web controller that returns the index page of the simulator.

Returns:the name of the template, the data to be pre-processed in the template
Return type:dict

Checks whether the simulation has finished or not. A simulation is finished if all passengers are at their destinations. If there is no passengers the simulation is not finished.

Returns:whether the simulation has finished or not.
Return type:bool

Gets the dict of registered passengers

Returns:a dict of PassengerAgent with the name in the key
Return type:dict
request_path(origin, destination)[source]

Requests a path to the RouteAgent.

  • origin (list) – the origin coordinates (lon, lat)
  • destination (list) – the target coordinates (lon, lat)

the path as a list of points, the distance of the path, the estimated duration of the path

Return type:

list, float, float


Web controller that starts the simulator.

Returns:no template is returned since this is an AJAX controller, an empty data dict is returned
Return type:dict

Starts the simulation

set_strategies(coordinator_strategy, taxi_strategy, passenger_strategy)[source]

Gets the strategy strings and loads their classes. This strategies are prepared to be injected into any new taxi or passenger agent.

  • coordinator_strategy (str) – the path to the coordinator strategy
  • taxi_strategy (str) – the path to the taxi strategy
  • passenger_strategy (str) – the path to the passenger strategy

Setup agent before startup. This method may be overloaded.


Stops the simulator and all the agents


Web controller that stops all the passenger and taxi agents.

Returns:no template is returned since this is an AJAX controller, a dict with status=done
Return type:dict

Gets the dict of registered taxis

Returns:a dict of TaxiAgent with the name in the key
Return type:dict
class taxi_simulator.coordinator.CoordinatorStrategyBehaviour[source]

Bases: taxi_simulator.utils.StrategyBehaviour

Class from which to inherit to create a coordinator strategy. You must overload the _process() method

Helper functions:

Gets the list of registered passengers

Returns:a list of PassengerAgent
Return type:list

Gets the list of registered taxis

Returns:a list of TaxiAgent
Return type:list

Coroutine called before the behaviour is started.


Body of the behaviour. To be implemented by user.

taxi_simulator.helpers module

Helpers module

These functions are useful for the develop of new strategies.

exception taxi_simulator.helpers.AlreadyInDestination[source]

Bases: Exception

This exception is raised when an agent wants to move to a destination where it is already there.

exception taxi_simulator.helpers.PathRequestException[source]

Bases: Exception

This exception is raised when a path could not be computed.

taxi_simulator.helpers.are_close(coord1, coord2, tolerance=10)[source]

Checks wheter two points are close or not. The tolerance is expressed in meters.

  • coord1 (list) – a coordinate (longitude, latitude)
  • coord2 (list) – another coordinate (longitude, latitude)
  • tolerance (int) – tolerance in meters

whether the two coordinates are closer than tolerance or not

Return type:


taxi_simulator.helpers.distance_in_meters(coord1, coord2)[source]

Returns the distance between two coordinates in meters.

  • coord1 (list) – a coordinate (longitude, latitude)
  • coord2 – another coordinate (longitude, latitude)

distance meters between the two coordinates

Return type:



Convert kilometers/hour to meters/second.

Parameters:speed_in_kmh (float) – speed in kilometers/hour
Returns:the speed in meters/second
Return type:float

Returns a random position inside the map.

Returns:a point (longitude and latitude)
Return type:list

taxi_simulator.passenger module

class taxi_simulator.passenger.PassengerAgent(agentjid, password, loop=None)[source]

Bases: spade.agent.Agent


Sets the strategy for the passenger agent.

Parameters:strategy_class (PassengerStrategyBehaviour) – The class to be used. Must inherit from PassengerStrategyBehaviour

Returns the time that the passenger was waiting to be picked up since it has been assigned to a taxi.

Returns:The time that the passenger was waiting to a taxi since it has been assigned.
Return type:float

Returns the current position of the passenger.

Returns:the coordinates of the current position of the passenger (lon, lat)
Return type:list

Returns the time that the agent was waiting for a taxi, from its creation until it gets into a taxi.

Returns:The time the passenger was waiting.
Return type:float

Checks if the passenger has arrived to its destination.

Returns:whether the passenger is at its destination or not
Return type:bool
request_path(origin, destination)[source]

Requests a path between two points (origin and destination) using the RouteAgent service.

  • origin (list) – the coordinates of the origin of the requested path
  • destination (list) – the coordinates of the end of the requested path

A list of points that represent the path from origin to destination, the distance and the estimated duration

Return type:

list, float, float


Sets the coordinator JID address :param coordinator_id: the coordinator jid :type coordinator_id: str


Sets the agent identifier :param agent_id: The new Agent Id :type agent_id: str


Sets the position of the passenger. If no position is provided it is located in a random position.

Parameters:coords (list) – a list coordinates (longitude and latitude)

Sets the route agent JID address :param route_id: the route agent jid :type route_id: str


Sets the target position of the passenger (i.e. its destination). If no position is provided the destination is setted to a random position.

Parameters:coords (list) – a list coordinates (longitude and latitude)

Setup agent before startup. This method may be overloaded.


Serializes the main information of a passenger agent to a JSON format. It includes the id of the agent, its current position, the destination coordinates of the agent, the current status, the taxi that it has assigned (if any) and its waiting time.

Returns:a JSON doc with the main information of the passenger.


    "id": "cphillips",
    "position": [ 39.461327, -0.361839 ],
    "dest": [ 39.460599, -0.335041 ],
    "status": 24,
    "taxi": "ghiggins@",
    "waiting": 13.45
Return type:dict

Returns the time since the passenger was activated until it reached its destination.

Returns:the total time of the passenger’s simulation.
Return type:float
class taxi_simulator.passenger.PassengerStrategyBehaviour[source]

Bases: taxi_simulator.utils.StrategyBehaviour

Class from which to inherit to create a taxi strategy. You must overload the run coroutine

Helper functions:
  • send_request
  • accept_taxi
  • refuse_taxi

Sends a spade.message.Message to a taxi to accept a travel proposal. It uses the REQUEST_PROTOCOL and the ACCEPT_PERFORMATIVE.

Parameters:taxi_id (str) – The Agent JID of the taxi

Initializes the logger and timers. Call to parent method if overloaded.


Sends an spade.message.Message to a taxi to refuse a travel proposal. It uses the REQUEST_PROTOCOL and the REFUSE_PERFORMATIVE.

Parameters:taxi_id (str) – The Agent JID of the taxi

Body of the behaviour. To be implemented by user.


Sends an spade.message.Message to the coordinator to request a taxi. It uses the REQUEST_PROTOCOL and the REQUEST_PERFORMATIVE. If no content is set a default content with the passenger_id, origin and target coordinates is used.

Parameters:content (dict) – Optional content dictionary
class taxi_simulator.passenger.TravelBehaviour[source]

Bases: spade.behaviour.CyclicBehaviour

This is the internal behaviour that manages the movement of the passenger. It is triggered when the taxi informs the passenger that it is going to the passenger’s position until the passenger is droppped in its destination.


Coroutine called before the behaviour is started.


Body of the behaviour. To be implemented by user.

taxi_simulator.protocol module

protocol and performative constants

taxi_simulator.route module

class taxi_simulator.route.RouteAgent(agentjid, password)[source]

Bases: spade.agent.Agent

The RouteAgent receives request for paths, queries an OSRM server and returns the information. It also caches the queries to avoid overloading the OSRM server.

class RequestRouteBehaviour[source]

Bases: spade.behaviour.CyclicBehaviour

This cyclic behaviour listens for route requests from other agents. When a message is received it answers with the path.


Coroutine called after the behaviour is done or killed.


Coroutine called before the behaviour is started.


Body of the behaviour. To be implemented by user.

get_route(origin, destination)[source]

Checks the cache for a path, if not found then it queries the OSRM server.

  • origin (list) – origin coordinate (longitude, latitude)
  • destination (list) – target coordinate (longitude, latitude)

a dict with three keys: path, distance and duration

Return type:



Loads the cache from file.


Persists the cache to a JSON file.

static request_route_to_server(origin, destination)[source]

Queries the OSRM for a path.

  • origin (list) – origin coordinate (longitude, latitude)
  • destination (list) – target coordinate (longitude, latitude)

list, float, float = the path, the distance of the path and the estimated duration


Setup agent before startup. This method may be overloaded.

taxi_simulator.scenario module

class taxi_simulator.scenario.Scenario(filename)[source]

Bases: object

A scenario object reads a file with a JSON representation of a scenario and is used to create the participant agents.

load(coordinator: taxi_simulator.coordinator.CoordinatorAgent)[source]

taxi_simulator.simulator module

class taxi_simulator.simulator.SimulationConfig[source]

Bases: object

Dataclass to store the Simulator config

class taxi_simulator.simulator.Simulator(config)[source]

Bases: object

The Simulator. It manages all the simulation processes. Tasks done by the simulator at initialization:

  1. Create the XMPP server
  2. Run the SPADE backend
  3. Run the coordinator and route agents.
  4. Create agents passed as parameters (if any).
  5. Create agents defined in scenario (if any).

After these tasks are done in the Simulator constructor, the simulation is started when the run method is called.


Collects stats from all participant agents and from the simulation and stores it in three dataframes.


Returns the dataframes collected by collect_stats()

Returns:average df, passengers df and taxi df
Return type:pandas.DataFrame, pandas.DataFrame, pandas.DataFrame

Checks if the simulation is finished. A simulation is finished if the max simulation time has been reached or when the coordinator says it.

Returns:whether the simulation is finished or not.
Return type:bool

Prints the dataframes collected by collect_stats.


Starts the simulation (tells the coordinator agent to start the simulation).


Finishes the simulation and prints simulation stats. Tasks done when a simulation is stopped:

  1. Stop participant agents.
  2. Print stats.
  3. Stop Route agent.
  4. Stop Coordinator agent.

Checks if the max simulation time has been reached.

Returns:whether the max simulation time has been reached or not.
Return type:bool

Writes the collected data by collect_stats in an excel file.

Parameters:filename (str) – name of the excel file.
write_file(filename, fileformat='json')[source]

Writes the dataframes collected by collect_stats in JSON or Excel format.

  • filename (str) – name of the output file to be written.
  • fileformat (str) – format of the output file. Choices: json or excel

Writes the collected data by collect_stats in a json file.

Parameters:filename (str) – name of the json file.

taxi_simulator.strategies module

class taxi_simulator.strategies.AcceptAlwaysStrategyBehaviour[source]


The default strategy for the Taxi agent. By default it accepts every request it receives if available.


Body of the behaviour. To be implemented by user.

class taxi_simulator.strategies.AcceptFirstRequestTaxiBehaviour[source]

Bases: taxi_simulator.passenger.PassengerStrategyBehaviour

The default strategy for the Passenger agent. By default it accepts the first proposal it receives.


Body of the behaviour. To be implemented by user.

class taxi_simulator.strategies.DelegateRequestTaxiBehaviour[source]

Bases: taxi_simulator.coordinator.CoordinatorStrategyBehaviour

The default strategy for the Coordinator agent. By default it delegates all requests to all taxis.


Body of the behaviour. To be implemented by user.

taxi_simulator.strategies_fsm module

class taxi_simulator.strategies_fsm.FSMTaxiStrategyBehaviour[source]

Bases: spade.behaviour.FSMBehaviour

class taxi_simulator.strategies_fsm.TaxiMovingState[source]

Bases:, spade.behaviour.State


Coroutine called before the behaviour is started.


Body of the behaviour. To be implemented by user.

class taxi_simulator.strategies_fsm.TaxiWaitingForApprovalState[source]

Bases:, spade.behaviour.State


Coroutine called before the behaviour is started.


Body of the behaviour. To be implemented by user.

class taxi_simulator.strategies_fsm.TaxiWaitingState[source]

Bases:, spade.behaviour.State


Coroutine called before the behaviour is started.


Body of the behaviour. To be implemented by user.

taxi_simulator.strategies_fsm.passenger_in_taxi_callback(old, new)[source] module

class, password, loop=None)[source]

Bases: spade.agent.Agent

class MovingBehaviour(period, start_at=None)[source]

Bases: spade.behaviour.PeriodicBehaviour

This is the internal behaviour that manages the movement of the taxi. It is triggered when the taxi has a new destination and the periodic tick is recomputed at every step to show a fine animation. This moving behaviour includes to update the taxi coordinates as it moves along the path at the specified speed.


Body of the behaviour. To be implemented by user.


Sets the strategy for the taxi agent.

Parameters:strategy_class (TaxiStrategyBehaviour) – The class to be used. Must inherit from TaxiStrategyBehaviour

Informs that the taxi has arrived to its destination. It recomputes the new destination and path if picking up a passenger or drops it and goes to WAITING status again.


Sends a message to the current assigned passenger to cancel the assignment.

Parameters:data (dict, optional) – Complementary info about the cancellation

Drops the passenger that the taxi is carring in the current location.


Returns the current position of the passenger.

Returns:the coordinates of the current position of the passenger (lon, lat)
Return type:list
inform_passenger(status, data=None)[source]

Sends a message to the current assigned passenger to inform her about a new status.

  • status (int) – The new status code
  • data (dict, optional) – complementary info about the status

Checks if the taxi has arrived to its destination.

Returns:whether the taxi is at its destination or not
Return type:bool

Moves the taxi to a new destination.

Parameters:dest (list) – the coordinates of the new destination (in lon, lat format)
Raises:AlreadyInDestination – if the taxi is already in the destination coordinates.
request_path(origin, destination)[source]

Requests a path between two points (origin and destination) using the RouteAgent service.

  • origin (list) – the coordinates of the origin of the requested path
  • destination (list) – the coordinates of the end of the requested path

A list of points that represent the path from origin to destination, the distance and the estimated duration

Return type:

list, float, float


>>> path, distance, duration = await self.request_path(origin=[0,0], destination=[1,1])
>>> print(path)
[[0,0], [0,1], [1,1]]
>>> print(distance)
>>> print(duration)

Sets the coordinator JID address :param coordinator_id: the coordinator jid :type coordinator_id: str


Sets the agent identifier

Parameters:agent_id (str) – The new Agent Id

Sets the position of the taxi. If no position is provided it is located in a random position.

Parameters:coords (list) – a list coordinates (longitude and latitude)

Sets the route agent JID address :param route_id: the route agent jid :type route_id: str


Sets the speed of the taxi.

Parameters:speed_in_kmh (float) – the speed of the taxi in km per hour

Advances one step in the simulation


Serializes the main information of a taxi agent to a JSON format. It includes the id of the agent, its current position, the destination coordinates of the agent, the current status, the speed of the taxi (in km/h), the path it is following (if any), the passenger that it has assigned (if any), the number of assignments if has done and the distance that the taxi has traveled.

Returns:a JSON doc with the main information of the taxi.


    "id": "cphillips",
    "position": [ 39.461327, -0.361839 ],
    "dest": [ 39.460599, -0.335041 ],
    "status": 24,
    "speed": 1000,
    "path": [[0,0], [0,1], [1,0], [1,1], ...],
    "passenger": "ghiggins@",
    "assignments": 2,
    "distance": 3481.34
Return type:dict
watch_value(key, callback)[source]

Registers an observer callback to be run when a value is changed

  • key (str) – the name of the value
  • callback (function) – a function to be called when the value changes. It receives two arguments: the old and the new value.

Bases: taxi_simulator.utils.StrategyBehaviour

Class from which to inherit to create a taxi strategy. You must overload the `run coroutine

Helper functions:
  • pick_up_passenger
  • send_proposal
  • cancel_proposal
cancel_proposal(passenger_id, content=None)[source]

Send a spade.message.Message to cancel a proposal. If the content is empty the proposal is sent without content.

  • passenger_id (str) – the id of the passenger
  • content (dict, optional) – the optional content of the message

Coroutine called before the behaviour is started.

pick_up_passenger(passenger_id, origin, dest)[source]

Starts a TRAVEL_PROTOCOL to pick up a passenger and get him to his destination. It automatically launches all the travelling process until the passenger is delivered. This travelling process includes to update the taxi coordinates as it moves along the path at the specified speed.

  • passenger_id (str) – the id of the passenger
  • origin (list) – the coordinates of the current location of the passenger
  • dest (list) – the coordinates of the target destination of the passenger

Body of the behaviour. To be implemented by user.

send_proposal(passenger_id, content=None)[source]

Send a spade.message.Message with a proposal to a passenger to pick up him. If the content is empty the proposal is sent without content.

  • passenger_id (str) – the id of the passenger
  • content (dict, optional) – the optional content of the message

taxi_simulator.utils module

class taxi_simulator.utils.RequestRouteBehaviour(msg: spade.message.Message, origin: list, destination: list, route_agent: str)[source]

Bases: spade.behaviour.OneShotBehaviour

A one-shot behaviour that is executed to request for a new route to the route agent.


Body of the behaviour. To be implemented by user.

class taxi_simulator.utils.StrategyBehaviour[source]

Bases: spade.behaviour.CyclicBehaviour

The behaviour that all parent strategies must inherit from. It complies with the Strategy Pattern.


Makes the average of an array without Nones. :param array: a list of floats and Nones :type array: list

Returns:the average of the list without the Nones.
Return type:float
taxi_simulator.utils.chunk_path(path, speed_in_kmh)[source]

Splits the path into smaller chunks taking into account the speed.

  • path (list) – the original path. A list of points (lon, lat)
  • speed_in_kmh (float) – the speed in km per hour at which the path is being traveled.

a new path equivalent (to the first one), that has at least the same number of points.

Return type:



Tricky method that imports a class form a string.

Parameters:class_path (str) – the path where the class to be imported is.
Returns:the class imported and ready to be instantiated.
Return type:class
taxi_simulator.utils.request_path(agent, origin, destination, route_id)[source]

Sends a message to the RouteAgent to request a path

  • agent – the agent who is requesting the path
  • origin (list) – a list with the origin coordinates [longitude, latitude]
  • destination (list) – a list with the target coordinates [longitude, latitude]

a list of points (longitude and latitude) representing the path,

the distance of the path in meters, a estimation of the duration of the path

Return type:

list, float, float


>>> path, distance, duration = request_path(an_agent, origin=[0,0], destination=[1,1])
>>> print(path)
[[0,0], [0,1], [1,1]]
>>> print(distance)
>>> print(duration)

Translates an int status code to a string that represents the status

Parameters:status_code (int) – the code of the status
Returns:the string that represents the status
Return type:str

Return a port that is unused on the current host.

Module contents

Top-level package for Taxi Simulator.